Friday Night Story

Page Three
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Page 3 I made a rather giant omission, which Gio brought to my attention: I only had 8 panels. So I split two panels, giving us a larger moment with both Marley and Rodriguez.

I asked Gio to pull panels 7 and 8 back, to stay consistent with the panels that had come before. It also gives more room for the letterer to fit in text.

I don't think I had a thing to say about this page, except that I liked it. That, and it really makes me hope we can get more time to spend with Caplan. He is absolutely the most underwritten character, and yet he's got so much personality lurking there- and all of it belongs to Gio.

I mentioned the nipple on the top of his head. Oh, and panels 2 and 3 were Gio's idea, as you can see in the script, it was originally very vague, but the similar angle with changing expressions really works. Montague's expression changes from curiousity to determination, and Rodriguez has that wonderful mocking smile. Panel 4 is s alittle wonky; I think my edict for a darker sequence has lost us some of the subtlety of Gio's pencils. And the wonderful detail in the sequence has made me realize tht he's wasted on darkness.




Panel 1;

Detectives Randall Montague and Caplan “Capulet” Aligherri greet Specialist Rodriguez in the hall outside an Interview Room. Rodriguez shakes Montague’s hand. The panel is farther away, to get all three men in frame. Even the hall is half-lit. The scenes in the Governor’s office are the darkest; the scenes with Khalel are well-lit; the scenes with Marley and Rodriguez are all in between, partially lit, but much darker then the interview scenes. And there’s no real reason why the hall should be as dimly lit as the interrogation room, except to give Rodriguez’s scenes a mood of their own.


Montague:  The Ganja calls himself Marley. It’s an alias, but we’ll have to earn the real name. I’m Montague.


Rodriguez: Victor Rodriguez.


Panel 2;

Closer in, as Montague keeps hold of the hand, and cranes his neck while he asks the question. The balloons occupy opposite corners of the panel.


Montague:  Where are you from?


Rodriguez: California.


Panel 3;

Montague smiles politely, trying to peel the information from him with kindness. Rodriguez gives him only a curt return smile, without budging an inch.


Montauge:  I meant what agency.


Rodriguez: You don’t need to know that, but I’m tasked to the Narc Unit.


Rodriguez: Interrogation Specialist.


Panel 4;

Montague reaches for the door and smiles like a jackass, because he thinks he’s being clever. 


Montague:  You want bad cop?


Rodriguez: Get me coffee.


Panel 5;

Montague turns to Capulet while Rodriguez reaches for the door, putting his body between them.


Montague:  Get him-


Rodriguez: No. You.


Panel 6;

Rodriguez enters alone, and pulls out a metal folding chair across a very simple table from Marley.


Rodriguez: Hello.


Rodriguez: Why are you here?


Panel 7

First full shot of Marley. He’s in his twenties, a true Rasta, complete with dreads and a style of dress influenced by Parliament-Funkadelic, but without betraying his roots in the street. From Rodriguez’s POV across the table.


Marley:    You a cop?


Panel 8;

Rodriguez slouches a little, to take it easy, without losing his authoritative presence.


Rodriguez: Some days.


Rodriguez: Do you want a lawyer?


Rodriguez: I’m assuming your rights have been read.


Panel 9;

Marley leans forward, threading his fingers in front of his face. He thinks he’s dropping the Holy Grail into Rodriguez’s lap, but Rodriguez hardly reacts. Marley’s first balloon is at the top, and his next balloon near the bottom, to let him pause for effect.


Marley:    I’m not under arrest. I want to talk. Bout Omar Hasen…


Marley:    and the late John Grange.


Rodriguez: I’m listening.

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